Ghee has recently gained popularity worldwide popularity all over the world, trending as a “superfood” and being adored by devotees of the well-liked Keto diet. But it has a lengthy history, both actual and rumored. Let’s dive in to bust the rumors and know the facts.
For ages, ghee has been a staple in Indian cooking. It is also mentioned in Hindu mythology, which gives it a holy provenance. According to legend, Prajapati, the creature’s lord, produced the first ghee by rubbing his hands together and then pouring it into flames to produce his progeny. Hindus still pour ghee into sacred flames today because of this; doing so is regarded to be lucky for events like weddings and funerals.
It was also often consumed as a component of an organic and healthy diet. Ghee-cooked foods are preferred to those that aren’t; in Vedic cooking, all foods were separated into two categories: pucca khana (food cooked in ghee) and Kacha khana (food not cooked in ghee) (food cooked in ghee). Although this procedure is no longer used in modern Indian cuisine, it is still used in religious ceremonies and when preparing food for special occasions like the Hindu holiday of Navratri.
Rich in therapeutic elements
Ghee has long been revered for its therapeutic benefits in Ayurvedic medicine. It recommends it as a cooling diet (it brings down body temperature), a digestive aid, and even a salve to treat burns. Ghee helps in good metabolism and helps in improving memory and intellect, Not just that. In addition to being high in butyrate, which helps to alleviate bodily inflammation, ghee is also a good source of vitamin A. Almost no lactose or casein from the butter is left over, making it ideal for those who are lactose intolerant.
Ghee is no longer regarded as an artery-clogging substance, and the hazardous trans fats that attempted to replace it are also no longer used.
No more oil, it’s only Ghee
Ghee is now widely accessible, both online and in physical locations. Butter can be used for frying and another high-heat cookery without milk solids. Use the ghee in the same ways you would like any other fat: roast vegetables, baste meat, and fry eggs. You may add it to your daily oatmeal or coffee to create a trendy “bulletproof” strategy. Ghee will keep at room temperature and can be refrigerated if you’d like, but it’s not necessary. If kept at regular temperature ghee will start to melt and if kept in a refrigerator it will stay in the solid state.
Organic Ghee is the new game changer
Well, Ghee has always been considered the best remedy for every health issue, from Charaka Samhita to modern world experiments. Ghee has been accepted with all love and care by people worldwide. After all who doesn’t like a healthy and organic diet? And what if we say organic ghee is the best choice for it? Gita Ghee has been procuring the best organic ghee with an aromatic essence that will make you irresistible if not added to your food. Make soups, saute veggies or fry those crispy potatoes but not in a healthy way. Want to grab a bottle of Gita ghee? Order now and let us know your experiences with ghee in the comment box.